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Prefall 2020 Color Analysis

Cyan : the next trend

Beige the minimalistic

Red is back

White head to toe

Fuchsia touch

Global Palette

According to Livetrend’s data, here is the colours with the most potential for the pre-fall 2020. This colour analysis allows an objective analysis on possible colours developments for future seasons. The bold colors are certainly the major color trends in which we see taking shape the cyans. This shade of blue stand out from baby-blue and cobalt and it is going to be the next bold colour.
The red rises and gain importance while it had gone down in the past seasons.  Total bold color looks are very trendy as suits or dress, but color-block look are still very fashionable. From summer, the greens have decreased very hard, oranges have turned into faded or rusty tones, yellow is still punchy, but the one who don’t seem to loose interest is fuchsia. So, a touch of a strong colour is not to be missed in the future collections.

Black, white and neutral colours, on the other hand, take on the impetus of the minimalist trends inspired by the 90’s and will stay hot for winter 2020.

19 February 2020